Framing of Charge sheet – Important facts to be complied with.
Framing of Charge sheet – Important facts to be complied with . Employee communication is one of the core and vital functions of HR discipline which builds amicable rapport between employees and the company. Any communication held between the company and its employees must be clear, fair and understandable to make the communication meaningful and to serve the purpose for which such communication transpires. Nevertheless, it has been observed, specially in cases of disciplinary action, that charge sheet/statement of imputations is not drafted properly covering the sine-qua-non and technical aspects due to which the stand of the disciplinary contemplation gets weakened putting the action of the management on the verge of unacceptability. It may be agreed that principles of imposing accusation firmly advocate for framing of charges and statement of imputations to be clearly defined with strong contentions to survive dilution of the managerial stand in dealing with such matters, ...