Which NCWA is peculiar in terms of periodicity and the operation  period of that NCWA
01.01.1897 to 30.06.1991
 4 ½  years
Others 4 prior & 5 post NCWA IV

JBCCI -  Joint Bipartite Committee for the Coal Industry
Members    Management – 14   Union- 14

Components of wage
Special Dearness Allowance- (SDA)at the rate of 1.795% of Basic wage 17.95 % of 
                                                   attendance Bonus
It is computed fringe benefits of Attendance Bonus such as   Contribution Of provident Fund , payment in lieu of profit sharing bonus , gratuity etc.
Variable dearness allowance -  (VDA) linked to the All India Consumer Price Index number for   Industrial Workers ( Base 1960 = 100 ) ( Index Number) adjusted quarterly 1st March, 1st June, 1st September and 1st December every Year.on the basis of average AICPI Quarter ending December ( OCT- Dec) , March ( Jan- Mar), June ( Apr to June) & September ( July to Sept) Nil as on 01.07.2016. depending on variation in Consumer price Index Number  above 6117
Minimum wages                     Rs.   29394.23 per month or Rs.1130.54per day at AICPI 6117.
Minimum Guaranteed Benefit given Rs.  4899.04 per month or Rs. 188.42 per day
Minimum Basic Pay Rs.  26292.97  Per Month or Rs. 1011.27 Per Day
Present AICPI is 6353 Thus VDA is 3.9.%

Daily rated category I to VI ( 6)  Excavation Daily Rated Spl , A to E  (6)=  12

Monthly Rated Confidential & Supervisory  A1, A to H (9) Clerical (4) Spl, I to III= 13

Minimum Basic Monthly Rated Rs. 31009.35  Grade H Excavation GR E Rs. 1240.52
Attendance Bonus    10 % of Basic Pay (  It is as per Coal Mines bonus Scheme 1948) Under Coal Mines provident Fund and Bonus Schemes act, 1948
Minimum Guaranteed Benefit  to the employees on rolls as on 30.06.2016 and continued on 01.07.2016    20% of (Basic + DA+ SDA+ attendance Bonus)

Date of annual Increment as per II No. 25 of NCWA – VIII dated 01.12.2011.

Rate of Increment @ 3 % of Basic wage on progressive basis.

SLP ( Service Linked Promotion ) as per II no. 24 dated 1.12.2011 of NCWA- VIII.
And thereupon clarification 19.06.2017
Special Allowance - @ 4 % of Basic  as on 01.07.2016 Frozen for 5 years
Piece Rated workers Group I to V and V - A
                                             BASIC WAGE - 100 cft Rs.13756.32   118 cft Rs  1622.83
Special Piece Rate Allowance –( SPRA)  for piece Rated workers to provide motivation for    achieving   Higher productivity. @ 3 % annually
                                                     SPRA will not count for Tub rate / piece rate / pro rata payment. For other purposes treated as   Basic

One additional SPRA for those who remained in same group for 7 /8 years UG / Surface
Under Ground Allowance  -( UGA)  to those working under ground as defined under Mines Act 1952 and regulations framed thereunder.
Section 2
(2) A person working or employed or employed in or in connection with a mine is said to be working or employed
 (a) “below ground” if he is working or employed –

            (i) in a shaft which has been or is in the course of being sunk; or
              (ii) in any excavation which extends below superjacent ground

UGA Rate @9 % from 1.07.2016       FOR Assam @ 10.5% from 1.07.2016 Frozen for 5 years

UGA is wages for the purpose of           EL, PH, Sick / Casual Leave /Overtime Allowance / gratuity and post retirement Schemes, Contribution to CMPF / other CPF & IOD
Washing Allowance   -                             Rs . 150Per month For Nursing Staff Rs. 175 Per month per head.With effect from 1.10.2017
TRANSPORT SUBSIDY                        Rs. 23 per day  With effect from 1.10.2017

TRANSPORT SUBSIDY                         Rs. 35  per day   NIGHT SHIFT OR  2nd / 3rd SHIFT FROM 10.00 P.M.With effect from 1.10.2017

REIMBURSEMENT                                Rs. 50  per day from   ( NOT ENTITLE FOR TRANSPORT SUBSIDY)With effect from 1.10.2017

NURSING ALLOWANCE                    Rs 400 Per Month With effect from 1.10.2017 

and more


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